

UGh I get soo irritated so easily these days. I try my best to keep level but some days its really hard. Everything annoys me. I want things to go faster with the company. I want people who don't have to struggle to understand that were doing our best the best we can. Jakes being a pain as usual. THere never seems to be enough time in the day to get everything done. My parents have made it to the point I really dont want them around for the most part. We're having JAke's party the weekend after he turns 7 and have decided that I'm inviting who I want and if my parents dont like it they dont have to come. It's my life not theirs and they're not around enough to matter. it saddens me to say it that way. Especially since they've just treated me and steve like crap since we got together. I'm running out of ideas to promote the new business. Its driving me crazy!!!!
Love Always, Nickie

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