
Dave's Sentence

He's out Simple as THAT!!! But he is in a inpatient rehab for a while, 2 years probation, na and AA meetings, and some other stuff. But He is not in jail anymore.
Love Always,


Jake's surgery

On jan 22nd my lil man will be going into providence Hospital for Tubes in his ears, romoval of his adnoids and possibly his tonsils as well. his surgery is early as hell in the morning at a hospital i don't trust due to my son's birth. but he has a good dr and i will do as the dr says and get my baby the help he needs. Tony's not gonna like the fact that he'll owe 44.7% of whatever deductible the surgery is. I know it will be a big hassle for him to pay it but what ever. He needs the surgery. I really wish someone would be there with me but Another joy of being a single mommy, i will be there alone waiting for my baby to come out of surgery. it's gonna be a quick surgery I hope. but he'll nr groggy and in pain. my poor thing. As for me, I will have my own issues walking back into the hospital that almost killed me and my son when he was born. i'll update on this one after his surgery
Love Always,

2 Steps Forward 1 Step Back

I have moved forward in so many ways the past several months. But once again I got knocked down and wether it was my fault on purpose or just a lack of planning that now has me wondering how I will survive is a matter of opinion. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this decision can be reversed and I get one last chance. So anyone who reads this please just say a quick prayer that things are going to continue going well for me. I really don't think i can take much more failure in my life.

Love Always,

This Is My Life
I love taking and sharing
pictures so there will
always be new pictures
posted on here!!

My Boys

My Boys
My whole world in 1 picture

Our Boy
