Living my life through my eyes. It's emotional, detailed, sporatic, and bounces from topic to topic as it enters my mind :) lots of pictures of my life and those in it :)
Getting better
No Job
Missing Cell Phone~ Pic Heavy
Called in Sick
This Past Week
Last week was a rough one for my family. Jake was once again in trouble for 1/2 the week but towards the end started behaving. He went to his grandma's house on Saturday and went to pumpkin patch. Sidenote :Kind of irritated my parents made me do ALL the driving when they know we are struggling to make it and they are more than well off. Next time they want to see him THEY can do all the driving. Wwhich they hate b/c they feel a 45 minute drive is TOO far to see thier grandchildm yet they'll drive 2.5 hours to see my grandma. It's whatever.
My psych doctor prescribed me a sleeping med b/c I don't sleep and when I do it's for about an hour at a time. She prescibed seriquil I HATE IT!!!!! So I quit taking it since it was just for sleep. Let me tell you the 3 weeks I took it my body got soo used to it that I could NOT sleep last week AT ALL. I think I got on average MAYBE 2 hours a night & the sleep I did get I woke up every 15 minutes. So that did not help my attitude. Then the seriquil felt like it knocked out my bi polar med so i was a complete BITCH. Caused a fight or 10 with Steve to the point once again I threatened to leave yet as much as I try to blame him I know in hindsight it's me and my mouth and actions that cause the fights. The first month of meds were GREAT, I felt normal. There was no insane crazy fighting. We were getting along great! Now I'm hoping this week since I haven't taken the sleeping med for a week that my normal meds will kick in correctly again. I also HATE the fact my psych doctor is only in for like 3 hours on a Thursday, that is NOT enough time to actually take care of your patients that you put on dangerous meds. Seriquil is a HIGHLY dangerous sleeping aid that is known to cause and prevoke violence, which I told her was NOT a good med for me yet she prescribed it anyway. It kind of made me think she gets a "reward" for every prescription she writes for it. Some drug companies do that with doctors, I know because I've seen it. So I will be bringing it up to her next time I see her.
Always, Nickie10/26/12
Flat Tire
So From July to October Here It Goes
This week
Overview Of April
Wonderful Weekend
Then celeebrating my birthday with steve's family yesterday was great!! I got lotions and candles. Steve got hot fudge and Jake got his easter basket. Then we went to eat at this great restaurant Azteca II. I highly recommend it. Then we shipped out to home depot. We got: a hose, sprinkler, more seeds, shovel, rake, and growing plant food all for the garden :D
It all rounded out to an excellant weekend. Steve and I spent the whole weekend just working together for a common goal. Now the posting for ebay craze is over for the week, we need to focus on inventory and getting ready for the garage sale we're having the 12th-15th of this month at our house. Should be a big success!!!! I'm excited for summer. Should also hear about the car program soon. Crossing my fingers so we'll see :D
Love Always, Nickie
Time Moves On, It Stands Still For No One
I have a full time job outside the house now. It is what it is. It's 40 hours plus benifits and makes it so we can afford to live :D Im always looking to move up but the next move is waiting until after we get a new car which should be soon.
As for the vacation we're going camping at TEEPEE CAMPGROUNDS in mackinaw city mi. From there we are defenitly going to mackinaw island and maybe a few other places as well. We'll see as it gets closer to our camping trip. Im also thinking about getting a hotel room for just me and steve one night and having a relaxing evening :D
The weight loss is kinda not going anywhere. Im watching what I eat better and am getting off my butt but still not focused so Im going to try harder.
Jake's schooling is going soo well. He loves the experiments he does. Right now they're growing crystals and working on observations. Soon to start on cause and effect in english. Jakes is so far ahead in math its amazing!!! And he's also caught up in reading I am so proud of him. Thinking of walking to mcdonalds tonight and using gift card for happy meal & ice cream for his 100% spelling test friday :D
Me and steve are doing really well. It was patchy for a little bit but it was never us not wanting to be together it was stress of everything else. But I'm realizing things aren't going to be perfect it's who do I want to go through life's challenges with... HIM <3 and he feels the same.
Hoping to get a car soon!!!
Love Always, Nickie
My Boys
My whole world in 1 picture
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